Welcome to the Intergendered Webring

The Intergendered Webring is a site ring which, while catering to all aspects of the transgendered community, exists to unite all those who identify as intergendered.

Join the Intergendered Webring

If you would like to be a part of this ring, your site should be a GLBT (gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgendered) friendly site, providing free information of relevance to the transgendered community. Also it should have some aspect relevant to identifying as an intergendered individual.

If you think your site meets these criteria, then you feed to do the following:

  1. Fill out the form below to add yourself to the Webring Queue and receive your Site ID number.
  2. Insert the Intergender Webring links and graphics on your home page.
  3. Email me ms_donna@donnas-hideout.org with your name and Site ID, asking to be added to the Webring.
That's all there is to it!

Submit your site to the queue

Site Title:
Site URL:
Your Name:
Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site, separated by a space.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Add the Webring code to your homepage

Intergendered Webring Homepage This Intergender Webring site is owned by
Your Email Address
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Want to Join the Intergendered Webring? Go Here!!!

First, save the Intergendered Webring graphic (above) as igring.gif and upload it to your site.

Next, view the source of this page and cut the code between:

<!-- Start of Intergender Webring code -->
. . .
<!-- End of Intergender Webring code -->
and paste it into your homepage, replacing YourEmailAddress with your actual email address and yourID with the site ID number assigned to you after submitting your site to the queue.

Alternately, you can use one of these other graphics in place of the standard one:

(transparent background)


Save the graphic as it is named above and substitute that name for the igring.gif name in the image tag in the aforementioned block of code.

Let me know to add you to the webring.

Email me ms_donna@donnas-hideout.org with your name and Site ID, asking to be added to the Webring.

Edit Your Site Information

Now and then you may need to update your account information. Enter your Site ID and Password below. You will be taken to a form that will allow you to update your account information.

Site ID:

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