This was a lot of fun and I found that the salesgirls where I would shop got a kick out of it too. I got to be quite friendly with them. They would make suggestions, help me pick stuff out and what not. Positive reinforcement from members of the outside world did much for my confidence and self esteem (perhaps this wasn't as good a thing as I thought.) Then, that spring, I did something really bone head while semi dressed and found myself in a bit of a legal altercation (don't ask, I'm not going into any details.) Suffice to say that I was finger printed and that my wife had to come fetch me. This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me. It is also the most sobering. As I said, my wife bailed me out and was none to pleased. She was quite embarassed and ready to leave me right then and there, and I don't blame her. After much pleading, she agreed not to dump me. (I don't know why. I mean, she had every reason to, but she didn't, and for this I am thankful every day.) Clearly, things had gotten out of hand.
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