This newsgroup is open to anyone provided that posted articles are on topic and of relevance to members of the crossdressing community.
Individuals new to the group are encouraged to post a short introduction about themselves and their situation.
While commercial advertising is prohibited, Biweekly posting of 'items wanted' and 'items for sale' advertisements by individuals is permitted.
The posting of monthly pointers to websites of interest to the gender community in general is also permitted.
Articles posted to this newsgroup must not contain personal attacks, sexual come-ons, ISOs (personals), works of fiction, commercial advertisements, trolls, flames or any other 'spam' in general.
Especially frowned upon is the open condemnation of crossdressing or *any* other transgendered lifestyle.
The posting of 'binaries' (pix, programs, sound files - generally anything encoded for posting purposes) is prohibited. Binaries should be posted to a newsgroup within the 'alt.binaries' heirarchy.
Posts which are in violation of this charter should be ignored and not be replied to publicly.
Articles violating this charter shall be considered to be Usenet abuse and treated as such.